VagiVital has undergone a multi-centre clinical study designed according to the FDA guidelines with 90 patients documenting safety, and positive results.
A group of female scientists (professors and practicing gynecologists) from Karolinska University Hospital, Uppsala University Hospital and Umeå University Hospital in Sweden, are behind the study. All of them are passionate about promoting female health and that’s what drove the clinical study to show such great results. A total of 79% of patients experienced complete relief or a significant improvement in their most persistent symptoms. VagiVital has been named a therapeutic vaginal gel since it has been proven to do much more than simply moisturise. The following results have been proven:
Complete relief or significant improvement of most common symptoms (itching, irritation, stinging, discomfort during sexual intercourse or during urination)
Reduced sense of urgency to urinate
Improvement of vaginal pH and increase of superficial cells in the vaginal tissue
The positive effects of VagiVital are on par with those reported for most estrogen preparations, with one important difference: VagiVital is completely hormone free.
In July, 2018 VagiVital conducted a customer survey in the Swedish market to evaluate how well the product worked for people since its release. 210 women who used VagiVital for at least one month received a digital customer survey and answered a number of questions about their experiences with the product. Participants were also asked to express their experience with the applicator, and respond with how easy the instructions were to follow.
The survey showed that since its launch, VagiVital has proven to be safe, effective, and 81% of participants had experienced significant improvements in their most bothersome symptoms.
It was also clear that the longer they had used VagiVital, the more improvement they saw. Of those who used VagiVital for 2 months or longer, 89% had experienced significant relief of symptoms. These results are in line with VagiVitals previous clinical studies.
Below are the number of women who experienced symptomatic relief after using VagiVital for:
One month - 77%
More than 2 months - 89%
* With VagiVital new to the market, only a few women had time to use the product for more than 3 months.
85% of women would recommend VagiVital to someone they know.
We constantly work to improve equality in research spendings, where a focus on women’s health should also be a priority. Please support women’s vaginal health research by signing our petition here.
VagiVital works to raise funds for independent research on women’s health. Our mission is supported by associate Professor Aino Fianu Jonasson, Karolinska University Hospital as well as by Professor Inger Sundström Poromaa, Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden. 1% of all VagiVital sales go to the 1,6 Million Club, an organisation devoted to funding research in women’s health. By purchasing this product, you support us in our mission to increase the focus on women’s health, and the conversations surrounding it.
Jag har använt produkten återkommande efter orgasm, vid penetrerande sex, då jag började känna mig torrare. (Jag lider inte av torra slemhinnor generellt). Upplevde att glidmedlet fungerade bra då den tillförde den fukt som behövdes och det var möjligt att fortsätta ha penetrerande sex. Däremot upplevde vi båda den som något klistrig. Produkten fyller dock sitt syfte. Har inte haft behov av att använda produkten vid onani och kan därför inte ge ett utlåtande i det fallet.
Snabb leverans, testet fungerade utan problem och var lätt att använda.
Tusen tack för din recension och att du delar med dig av din upplevelse med vårt menopaus självtest 😍 Det glädjer oss att höra att leveransen var snabb och att du fann testet lättanvänt 🙌
Ta hand om dig & Stay Pussytive
Jag älskar den här intimtvätten! Silkeslen, återfuktande och så skön att använda – den bara glider på och gör sitt jobb utan att torka ut. Ingen torrhet, ingen irritation, ingen konstig doft – bara en fräsch och behaglig känsla varje gång. Jag märkte skillnad direkt och kommer aldrig byta tillbaka till den jag hade innan. GRYM!!
Tusen tack för din fantastiska recension 🙌! Silkeslen – precis som du beskriver vår VagiVital Cleanser intimtvätt! Det låter verkligen som att den har blivit din nya favorit och vi är så glada att höra hur väl den fungerar för dig. Att den återfuktar utan att orsaka irritation eller torrhet är precis vad vi strävar efter. Tack för att du delar med dig av din upplevelse och att du inte tänker byta tillbaka. Det betyder allt för oss 🙏
Ta hand om dig & Stay Pussytive 😍